Average of Sine Wave
I wasam amazed and kick myself for not giving them a chance sooner. A sine wave sinusoidal wave or just sinusoid is a mathematical curve defined in terms of the sine trigonometric function of which it is the graph. Rms Value Average Value Peak Value Peak Factor Form Factor In Ac Root Mean Square Rms Ohms Law Some crude DC-to-AC inverters use this method. . Plot one-sided double-sided and normalized spectrum. The effect is an average power similar to what a sine wave would deliver to a load. P is the number of pairs of poles and 60 converts it into seconds. Numerous texts are available to explain the basics of Discrete Fourier Transform and its very efficient implementation Fast Fourier Transform FFT. Some RC or LC filtering can smooth the wave into a more continuous sine-like shape. Not a bad investment for the price although the pricier models will maybe beat it on performancelongevity in the long run. It...